33 Things You Didn't Know About 2 Chainz

33 Things You Didn't Know About 2 Chainz

2 chainz

  1. He's not really different
  2. He called her big booty cause she had a big booty
  3. One time 2 Chainz and Big Sean got really drunk and made out and they haven't been able to make eye contact since
  4. 2 Chainz doesn't have object permanence so he thinks the world disappears every time he blinks
  5. 2 Chainz is scared of paper cuts so every time he reads a book he wears gloves
  6. 2 Chainz invented Splenda
  7. 2 Chainz is positive they named the Caribbean Sea after that pirate movie with Johnny Depp
  8. 2 Chainz voted for Rick Santorum in the primaries
  9. 2 Chainz was inconsolably devastated when he found out that Vince from the ShamWow commercials had stabbed a hooker
  10. 2 Chainz is into shrimping (sucking on toes in a sexual manner)

    No, Forrest, 2 Chainz is not into that kind of shrimpin' (via wingclips.com)

  11. 2 Chainz always insists that the book was "way better" than the movie
  12. Five years ago, 2 Chainz changed his clock to military time to make things more interesting. He still hasn't figured out how military time works, and schedules all his meetings before 12pm so he knows when to arrive.
  13. 2 Chainz eats Taco Bell breakfast for dessert
  14. 2 Chainz deleted Microsoft Word because he didn't know how to stop typing in italics
  15. 2 Chainz admires many people, but none more than Santa Claus. How does he make it to EVERY house?
  16. 2 Chainz stopped going to his swim class because the other kids made fun of him for having an Android
  17. 2 Chainz waited in line for the Tower of Terror at Disney World for over an hour but got scared at the last minute and took the sissy exit down.
  18. When it rains, 2 Chainz likes to sit in bed all day and listen to the raindrops beat down on his window. He imagines the life of a raindrop must be rather beautiful but sad.[poll="7"]
  19. 2 Chainz always buys his t-shirts in a larger size just in case they shrink in the wash. They never do.
  20. The name 2 Chainz was borne out of his desire to one day own two chains of adult video stores across his home state of Georgia
  21. 2 Chainz's deepest secret is that there is in fact a third chain
  22. 2 Chainz liked the Phantom Menace
  23. 2 Chainz doesn't subscribe to the gender binary
  24. 2 Chainz has a botched circumcision
  25. 2 Chainz sparknoted Catcher in the Rye in 10th grade because he thought the book was dumb but now realizes it offers valuable lessons to coming-of-age teens and wished he had Salinger's perspective with him through his college years
  26. 2 Chainz is only doing Dillo Day because he wants to touch a real live armadillo
  27. 2 Chainz is possessed by his chains, Aztec artifacts cursed by Montezuma himself

    The Aztec King Montezuma, seen here wearing one of the two chainz (via internetstones.com)

  28. 2 Chainz closes his eyes during Fellowship of the Ring when Bilbo's face gets scary
  29. 2 Chainz trained himself in lucid dreaming but no longer knows what is real
  30. 2 Chainz is afraid of needles so he applies identical temporary tattoos every morning
  31. 2 Chainz tried out for the school play in 7th grade because he wanted to try something new, but lost the part to Bradley Jacobs, the coolest kid in school
  32. 2 Chainz once lost one of his chainz, but later found it in the couch he had been napping on earlier
  33. 2 Chainz isn't very ticklish, especially not on his feet so don't even try to tickle him there


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