Incredible: Medill Global Students Reflect on their Time Abroad Without a Single Meaningful Cultural Takeaway

Incredible: Medill Global Students Reflect on their Time Abroad Without a Single Meaningful Cultural Takeaway

        Spring quarter has reared its ugly, still snow-capped head, which means hundreds of Medill sophomores are returning from “classes” around the world known as Medill Global Trips. Steno books and unnecessarily large mocha lattes in hand, they are armed with new friends, new memories, and new reasons to stop you on the steps of Annenberg to interview you about climate change in Hong Kong.

        “Going to London for ten days totally changed my worldview,” said sophomore Sara McMahon. As to why she chose London, she had a lot to say. “I’m just, like, obsessed with English accents and Harry Potter! Liam Hemsworth is the love of my life :) <3,” answered McMahon. When asked about how Sara was able to audibly say “:) <3”, she answered, “I’ve been listening to a lot of Google Translate, I mean, why go abroad if you’re not going to become a part of the culture? ;)”. When questioned about how Liam Hemsworth is actually Australian or the rumor circulating around campus that Sara “accidentally” did coke and had to leave her interview the next day to pull trig, she declined to comment.

        “This trip gave us a great opportunity to take our learning outside of Evanston and really impact the communities,” gushed April Wallace, a sophomore from Omaha, Nebraska. “Being able to interact with the locals and take pictures with them and post them on social media was one of the highlights of my trip. I even learned some Spanish! Did you know ‘Medilldo’ is the I form of Medilldar, meaning ‘to have a white savior complex’? They really spiced up my feed, and I prefer to think we brought a little spice to their lives as well. Watch out for my huge VSCO upload later!” Also, April would like to plug her Instagram—apparently, for every like, she will donate a penny to the quaint village she visited, which included the three miles outside of her all inclusive resort! SO brave of her.

        Overall, I think we can all agree to avoid stepping within 200 feet of McTrib, the third floor of Norris, or your friend’s roommate who creamed his jeans when he thought he saw Anderson Cooper in Starbucks that one time. Be vigilant, be alert, and will someone PLEASE tell April Wallace that just because she was in Panama does not mean that wearing white trash tourist braids on campus is not cultural appropriation.


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