May Heinous First-Round Results: PBR Division

May Heinous First-Round Results: PBR Division

Our analysts recap the first-round results of this year's May Heinous tournament, starting with the Pabst Blue Ribbon Division. After four grueling beer pong matches, the teams of Warhol/Kerouac, Sacagawea/Hannibal, Austen/Hitler, and Darwin/Khomeini advance to the Sweet Sixteen, whose matches will be co-sponsored by Nutella inc. and the tourism bureau of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Napoleon Bonaparte/Christopher Columbus vs. Andy Warhol/Jack Kerouac Winner: Andy Warhol/Jack Kerouac Napoleon unsurprisingly opens the game by forcing everyone to pour Stella Artois into chalices rather than using the traditional red solo cup, which offends Warhol's sense of pop culture. Kerouac calms everyone down, relating the situation to some bizarre story of how he once had sex while driving on Route 66. Columbus is unimpressed. The match begins, and Kerouac easily dominates the competition, despite Warhol's tendency to suck spectacularly. Kerouac offers to drink Napoleon's cups for him, saying that his size puts him at a disadvantage. Napoleon yells at him, saying that he's the average height for his time. Kerouac winks at him. Napoleon’s frustration and sexual tension with Kerouac - in addition to Columbus’s syphilis - clear the way for a Warhol/Kerouac victory. -Professor J. Reginald Vandernips

Sacagawea/Hannibal vs. General George McClellan/Margaret Sanger Winner: Sacagawea/Hannibal Despite concerns that her performance would be impaired by the fact that she took three or four dozen drags from the “peace pipe” before the match, Sacagawea carried her team to victory, sinking four out of her first five shots. Hannibal also performed well, aided by the fact that he took the majority of his shots from atop an elephant (a rather peculiar loophole in the IBPF regulations). McClellan was the disappointment of the day; in an interview after the loss, he blamed his “pussy-like qualities” for his inability to make more than three cups. To no one’s surprise, Margaret Sanger was completely useless, making only one measly fucking cup. This six-cup victory should launch Sacagawea and Hannibal into the Sweet Sixteen with considerable momentum. -Ross Packingham

Jane Austen/Adolf Hitler vs. General George Patton/Al Gore Winner: Jane Austen/Adolf Hitler Although we here at Sherman Ave were hoping for a Gore-Patton win, popular support was (once again) not enough to help Gore or his partner against Jane Austen and the Dubya of beer pong, otherwise known as Adolf Hitler. (Can you say "inconvenient truth?!?!?" LOLOLOL.) Austen’s aggression was most likely due to Hitler’s warnings against putting themselves in a weak position, as there was "irrefutable" evidence that Gore and Patton had weapons of mass destruction. (No such weapons were ever found). Although Austen and Hitler are advancing to the next round, there is a lingering air of mistrust that may impede future success. -Krystal

Kate Chopin/Idi Amin vs. Charles Darwin/Ayatollah Khomeini Winner: Charles Darwin/Ayatollah Khomeini It was tough to speculate how this match was going to go, but many anticipated a strong showing from the Ugandan dictator. However, Idi Amin screwed the pooch just like he screwed his entire nation. His disappointing performance (paired with Chopin’s refusal to take a behind-the-back shot because it “perpetuates an oppressive and male-dominated society”) cleared the way for Darwin and Khomeini – a surprisingly cohesive team – to a speedy victory by a margin of 6 cups. The Evolutionist and the Revolutionist closed the game out by icing their opponents. -Ross Packingham

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