Sherman Ave Podcast: NU Dating Problems

Sherman Ave Podcast: NU Dating Problems

546px-Podcastlogo Sherman Ave is moving into the dating advice podcast game like a family of koalas moving into a human house (adorably but without really knowing what we're doing)!  The field is so hot right now we just couldn't keep ourselves away.  Pip Sleazy and Scurvy Jacobson are here to take you on a wild ride through a cross-section of NU undergrad dating problems that you guys sent in! (NSFW I guess.  They say "fuck," but like whatever.  There's also a lot of nudity.)

[audio m4a=""][/audio]


Next podcast will be talking about questions the incoming Class of 2019 has about life at Northwestern.  Submit questions here!  Go Cats*!



*Short for Wildcats, NU's (honestly super generic) mascot.


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