Should Sherman Ave Advertise for DMK?

Should Sherman Ave Advertise for DMK?

This is an unbiased picture of the DMK storefront. Last week two of our writers, Scurvy Jacobson and Pip Sleazy, sat down to discuss the prospect of advertising for the delicious burgers of DMK.  Here’s their conversation:

Scurvy: What do you think about advertising for DMK?

Pip: Why would a Burger place ever want to advertise on our site?

Scurvy: I don’t know, but they asked if we want to write an article about them.

Pip: Do they know who we are? What if we say piss, shit, or fuck in the article?

Scurvy: That’s what I was thinking.

Pip: Or what if we made it really edgy and said that Northwestern doesn’t deserve to be in the Top 20 Most Beautiful Colleges in America because there’s no real theme on campus.

Scurvy: Amen, but honestly their burgers are good and money is money. It’s not as though we would make the article all about them though.

Pip: Can we would include fun topical jokes like “How many McCormick students does it take to change a light bulb?”

Scurvy: How many?

Pip: Trick question. Changing light bulbs is beneath them.

Scurvy: I don’t think that joke should make the final cut if we write an article for DMK.

Pip: Fine, but what if, in the middle of the article, I just say MEAT IS MURDER! Do you think that’s allowed?

Scurvy: They weren’t specific on the rules.

Pip: Okay. Look, we’re a satirical publication; I don’t think we should do it.

Scurvy: Then it’s settled. We won’t mention DMK. Want to go sign “boobs” in optical Morse code to Lake Michigan boats?

Pip: DUH!!!!

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