The 25 (non-Football) Sports Wildcats Do Best

It’s okay, guys. We have other talents! Like these 25 sports, for example:

  1. Quidditch
  2. DDR
  3. Shower Crying
  4. Not Being the University Of Chicago
  5. 12-oz bicep curls
  6. Women’s Lacrosse
  7. Geoguessr
  8. Entitlement
  9. Pokémon
  10. Ticket Scalping
  11. Slacklining
  12. “Midterms Marathon”
  13. Hungry Hungry Hippos
  14. Competitive Self-Deprecation
  15. Competitive Humblebragging
  16. Super Smash Bros
  17. Chastity
  18. Ultimate Frisbee
  19. Beer Pong
  20. Settlers of Catan
  21. Lakefill Skinny-Dipping
  22. Shabbat
  23. Fencing
  24. Triathlon of Orgo/Bio/Alcoholism
  25. Dillo Day

Honorable mention:

Dance Marathon - We’re like a personified seizure on the dance floor, but LOOK HOW MUCH CA$H WE PANHANDLED RAISED <3

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