Today, Nov 5th, Is the Only Day You Can Vote and Make a Difference

Today, Nov 5th, Is the Only Day You Can Vote and Make a Difference

voting-booth Dear fellow millennials,

You have probably heard about the midterm elections, and, to be honest, you’ve probably dismissed them pretty quickly. “Well, it’s not for the Presidency,” you say, “so why should I care?”

Well I’m here to tell you that today, Wednesday November 5th, Voting Day, is the day on which you need to make your voice heard and really start driving some change.

For some reason, we college students don’t like to vote. Because we feel like politicians don’t listen to us. Because we feel like voting is something that only “old” people do. Or because we don’t want to take the time to do the research: about the candidates, about where to vote, and so on.

But guess what? It’s because we don’t vote that politicians don’t listen to us. It’s because we don’t take the time to look into what candidates to support and when specifically to support them that we get dismissed as not having a legitimate voice.

Now is the time to change that misconception. This is the one day this year, the only day this year, when you can harness the power of democracy in a really powerful way. When you, on this day, November 5th, a true day of We the People, can fill out that ballot and let it be known what you think should be the landscape of this country.  Just imagine the thousands of ballots of your peers all piling up today, being diligently counted by hundreds of dedicated Americans: don’t you want to be part of that process?

I’m sure that a lot of you are still not gonna vote. “Politics are stupid,” you say. “All politicians are evil,” you say. Well guess what? If you can’t even take the time to find one guy you agree with; if you can’t even take the few minutes to learn the basic facts about your state’s election: who is running, what they will do, and where and when to vote; then quite frankly I can’t help you – no one can. Because it would take a true idiot, a real (pardon my French) fucking moron to not even bother to do that little amount of basic research. If you’re the person who can’t even be bothered to look up those basic facts, then I don’t even want to be Facebook friends with you.

So I urge you, millennials: Make this day, November 5th, count. Get out there and rock the vote. Because the future is America is on us now, and this is the only day when we can impact it.

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