5 TV Dads Who Are Way Better Than Mine

5 TV Dads Who Are Way Better Than Mine


Happy Father’s Day everyone! To celebrate dads everywhere, we here at Sherman Ave have compiled a list of TV dads who are way better than my piece of shit negligent asshole father. 5. Fred Flintstone from The Flintstones

"Yabba-dabba-don't be a shitty father, Dad"

Who doesn’t love Fred Flintstone? Fred works tirelessly to support his family all day at the Slate Rock and Gravel Company, but still manages to come home with a “Yabba-dabba-doo!” to cheer the air! And he’d never sell your action figures without you knowing because it’s “time to grow up”.

4. Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor from Home Improvement

"Tim Allen's smile reassures me in ways that your cold expressionless mug never could"

Always with a grunt and a smile, Tim Allen’s timeless handyman sitcom Dad, Tim Taylor, is endlessly lovable. A wise but down to earth parent, who could forget the classic episode where Tim Taylor DIDN’T miss his son’s school play to go to his stupid handball tournament, Dad.

3. Danny Tanner from Full House

I used to have dreams of Danny Tanner tucking me in. 'Good night, little Michelle', he'd say sweetly and then gently kiss my forehead'. Why couldn't you have given me that?

A single father trying to raise his three daughters with the help of his numbskull friends Joey and Jesse, Danny Tanner would never tell any of his daughter’s that his career in comedy writing is going nowhere.

2. Homer Simpson from The Simpsons

Socks aren't a good birthday present, dad. No 12-year old boy wants a PAIR OF SOCKS.

D’oh! America’s favorite donut-loving oaf, Homer has entertained us and warmed our hearts for the past quarter century! And though he strangles his son, Bart, he at least touches him. Why won’t you show me physical affection, Daddy? Hugs aren’t unmanly, Dad. They aren’t.

1. Andy Taylor from The Andy Griffith Show

Fuck you, Dad.

I’ve never even seen The Andy Griffith Show, but seriously, fuck my dad.

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