Aaron Sorkin or Bread?

Aaron Sorkin or Bread?


Can you figure out if the following pictures are of writer Aaron Sorkin or of the food bread? Most Americans can’t! Answers at the bottom. sorkin1 Is this a picture of Aaron Sorkin with a much-deserved Emmy Award for The West Wing or a delicious loaf of rye bread?

bread1 Wheat bread or the guy who created Sports Night?

sorkin2 The Master of rapid fire dialogue or PB & J on some Wonder Bread?

bread2 Pumpernickel bread that you can find at an Outback Steakhouse or an Academy Award nominee that you can also find at an Outback Steakhouse?

sorkin3 Frequent cocaine user Aaron Sorkin or an equally dusty loaf of French bread?

bread3 Delicious San Francisco soughdough or a delicious hunk of television royalty?

Answers: Photo 1: Bread Photo 2: Bread Photo 3: Bread Photo 4: Bread Photo 5: Bread Photo 6: Bread

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