Ani and Alex Tout Endorsement of Stepdaughter of 1978 ASG Senator

Ani and Alex Tout Endorsement of Stepdaughter of 1978 ASG Senator

EVANSTON-- ASG President and Executive Vice Presidential candidates Ani Ajith and Alex Van Atta announced at a Monday press conference that their ticket had secured the endorsement of the stepdaughter a 1970's ASG senator. "When am I getting my guac?" - Samuelson

"We are humbled and honored to receive the support of Claire Samuelson, whose stepfather Daniel Chalmers once represented Allison Hall in the ASG Senate," Ajith said as his eyes welled up. "It's just very... it means a lot."

Ajith stressed that Samuelson's "friendly" relationship with Chalmers, whom she calls "Dan," gives her a strong knowledge of how ASG works.

"Chalmers was among probably the top 20 1970's residential life senators in ASG history," he said. "I think that speaks for itself."

Samuelson also spoke to the experience and leadership of the Ani and Alex ticket.

"Yeah, I don't know, I guess they found me on Facebook," the 19-year-old University of Iowa student said. "They said they'd buy me like chips and guacamole if I said I thought they should be president, so I was like 'hellll yaaaaaa.' I didn't even know you could run for president when you were in college, but whatever."

Van Atta described the role that Chalmers, a 1980 graduate of NU, played in Samuelson's life as "moderately important."

"Are they incredibly close? No. Does she seem to forget who he is half the time? Sure. Does that make her qualified to endorse on his behalf? Absofuckinglutely," he said.

Ani and Alex were also reportedly close to securing the endorsement of a guy who once filled in for his friend as Willie the Wildcat during a football game in the late 1990's.

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