ASG Candidate Tells Inuit Sign Language Club They're His "Top Priority"

ASG Candidate Tells Inuit Sign Language Club They're His "Top Priority"

Anderson was scheduled to attend Engineers for Improved Access to Dental Hygiene in Senegal's meeting later in the evening. EVANSTON-- Associated Student Government Presidential candidate Ben Anderson told the Specialized Inuit Sign Language Club of NU on Thursday that the group would be his "number one focus" if he is elected.

"On day one, the question I'll be working on is: 'How can I make things better for the Inuit Sign Language Club?'" Anderson proclaimed at the group's monthly meeting. "That's my top priority. That's my North Star."

Anderson also stressed his strong ties to the group, dating back to his freshman year roommate, who was "I think like half Alaskan or something." He proceeded to attempt to sign "I love you guys" but ended up with "May I lick you now?"

Throughout his four minute presentation, Anderson emphasized that he relates to the group's goals because he's "practically deaf."

"Seriously, like my alarm will go off or my phone will ring and sometimes I almost don't hear it," he said. "So I get it. That's why Inuit Sign Language will be my top priority when I'm in office."

Attendees at the meeting were generally impressed with Anderson's highly targeted plea for votes in the run-up to the election.

"I mean, I was just here for the pizza," Weinberg freshman Jane Gilbert said. "But I was happy he came to talk because I don't know Inuit Sign Language like at all, so it was good that there was someone speaking English."

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