How I Learned to Be Happy By Finally Letting the Demon Inside Me Take Control

How I Learned to Be Happy By Finally Letting the Demon Inside Me Take Control

What is “happiness?”

Late at night, I would toss and turn, thinking of the answer to that question. I used to think there was a magical answer that would solve all my problems, and quell this restlessness inside me. But when I finally took a step back I realized something: All of that worrying and stress was what was holding me back. This battle inside me was only making things worse, so I resolved that it it was time to do something about it.

That’s why I decided to stop fighting, and finally let my ancient inner demon Neribus take control.

I used to spend every day running around like a madwoman, dealing with problems that seem so insignificant now: How do I get a promotion? Why am I still single? What happens if the dark spirit trapped inside me is freed? Now, I’ve finally learned to put things in perspective, and just let Neribus take care of the rest.

When I would look at my friends, I used to be so jealous of all their success and happiness. Why couldn’t I be like that, worry-free and unpossessed?

But what I’ve come to learn is that being jealous of others is a recipe for disaster. I used to look at others and see rivals and competitors. Now, I only see helpless vessels in which I can spread my foul seed. And Neribus, who used to be my arch enemy, is now my best friend.

Instead of worrying about all the things I don’t have, I am grateful for the ones I do. I’m thankful for all my newfound unholy powers. I’m thankful for my wonderful family, who Neribus has promised to spare as long as I follow his commands. I’m thankful that I was the one chosen to usher in a new age of darkness and pain for all men, women, and children alike.


Just like Neribus always says: I am destined for great things.


Do I regret a few things in my life? Sure, of course I wish I hadn't been so focused on my career, or that my mother hadn’t run over that old gypsy woman with her car. But who doesn’t have a few things they’d want to change? Focusing on the past by trying to remember my fuzzy childhood is never going to fix anything that's already happened.

Through the hardships that I’ve overcome, I’ve discovered that all I need to be happy is the thing that was inside me the entire time, the one who’s stuck with me through all my challenges and tough times. Now, I’m finally looking to a brighter future.

And we’re not going to let anything, or anyone, stand in our way.

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