Local Man First to Make Deflate-gate “Balls” Joke

Local Man First to Make Deflate-gate “Balls” Joke


Haha, "balls" via komonews.com Needham, MA—Local man Scott Tannehill was reportedly the first person to make a joke about the recurring use of the word “balls” in Bill Belichick’s Sunday press conference.

Belichick’s impromptu meeting with the press, in which the coach responded to allegations that the Patriots used deflated balls in last weekend’s AFC championship game, included numerous utterings of the word “balls.” Tannehill, acutely aware of the word’s recurrence, pounced on the opportunity to make light of the situation.

“The minute Bill said “I’ve handled dozens of balls,” I knew I had a golden opportunity in front of me. That’s when Tannehill typed out a tweet that read “I really hope that Belichick is only talking about FOOTballs amirite? LMAO!!!!! #DeflateGate.”

The tweet immediately received positive feedback from dozens of users praising its originality.  @stainedboxerbriefs replied to the tweet, saying “OMG he kept saying balls over and over and I didn’t even notice haha #dead.” Even famed comedian Louis C.K. was impressed by the joke, tweeting “@Tannehill48 wow, didn’t even notice the double entendre until you pointed it out. Nice job!”

Tannehill has been surprised by the reaction his tweet has received, saying “I would’ve thought for sure that, a week into this scandal, somebody would have made a joke about balls by now. But somehow, I was the first.”

This is the second time Tannehill has struck gold with Super Bowl humor. Last year he was the first in the country to make a “super bowl” joke, referencing the fact that the Broncos and Seahawks were from the two states where recreational marijuana had been legalized.


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