Please Fill Out This When2Meet to Protest When2Meet

Please Fill Out This When2Meet to Protest When2Meet

Students of Northwestern University, heed my words,

The time for cowardice is behind us. The hour of Revolution draws ever nearer. Soon, the shouts of our Comrades will ring through the streets, as we claim those streets for our cause.

For too long have we toiled and suffered, every moment of our day painstakingly plotted into grid after grid after grid, offering precious hours to our overlord: When2Meet. We are forced to cross-reference countless schedules, texts, GroupMe messages, crumpled up Post-It Notes, and all for what? To pack our schedules, and rob us of our free time, our liberty! We say, “NO MORE”! No more precious minutes wasted, tediously trying to plan student group events! Or dinners! Or class project group meetings!

We call the student of Northwestern to take to the streets! We declare a mass protest to end the tyranny of When2Meet.

But it's really hard to find a time that works for like all of our readers to be in one place, so would you guys please please please fill out this When2Meet:

I know it's annoying and we're all busy, but if you'd just fill out the When2Meet ASAP (link here if you missed it) it would really help me with scheduling this thing. It only takes a second. Here's that When2Meet again. Please don't make me harass all of you individually about filling this thing out, I really, really, really don't want to be that guy.

Together, Comrades, and only together, can we finally dismantle the tyranny of When2Meet, and end When2Meet (link here :) ) once and for all. Oh, and expect a Doodle for the Protest Bake Sale in an e-mail tomorrow. Glory to the Revolution!

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