A Message from the Frisbee House

A Message from the Frisbee House

As you return to campus this fall, we understand that your number one worry is us: the Northwestern Ultimate Frisbee team. Fear not, for we understand that with so much change in the air, the community lives vicariously through us. So, our services are essential and will remain quintessential. 

We the people gathered here at the Frisbee House would like to reaffirm our commitment to being the final pillar of hope for the Northwestern community. We took over this fire-risk, racoon-infested, liability-issued shack back in ‘04 with one explicit goal: to never stop partying. Whether it be through practicing social distancing by throwing our sick scoobs six feet apart, or by sheltering cases of PBR in our place, we’ll rave on forever - that is, until the Ski House rats us out the second time around. Narcs. 

Regardless of rain or shine, famine or prosperity, like the Puritans who founded Massachusetts Bay Colony oh so many years ago, we stay on our front lawn for all to see: tossing our die, heckling strangers from our rooftops, and aw shit Chad needs a partner. Be right back, brah. 

No one asked us to be the constant reminder of lost campus life for all residential Evanston to see, but it's a burden we'll continue to shoulder. No matter the calamity, we remain: a collection of crossed student-athletes with beer guts proving that we’re secretly a frat.

We’ll continue to blare ASAP Ferg and 3OH!3 on our speakers, showing this community what good music’s all about. Future generations will persist in taking themselves too seriously, only calling the game “Ultimate” and never just “Frisbee”. 

As students are forced to quarantine for two weeks upon returning, it’s our duty to do this keg stand for our fallen brothers and sisters who cannot. We’ll keep the rager going until the day it’s safe for everyone to party on campus, when we can shotgun beers together and be merry once more.

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