5 Objects to Subtly Place in the Background of Your Zoom Call To Let Your Classmates Know You’re Cool and Interesting

5 Objects to Subtly Place in the Background of Your Zoom Call To Let Your Classmates Know You’re Cool and Interesting

1. A Basketball 

A basketball tossed somewhere on the floor behind you is a subtle hint to your life beyond the screen. You’re sporty, you’re active, you’re...mysterious. What do you do with that basketball? Are you part of... a local intramural basketball team? That’s one secret you’ll never tell. 

2. Sneakers

Your absolutely fire kicks are a subtle sign that you’re super athletic. They’re well-worn, so clearly you play sports pretty habitually. Like, every-Thursday-night-at-8:00-at-the-Newberg-YMCA habitually. 

3. Newberg YMCA Intramural Basketball T-shirt

The shirt? Bright orange. The lettering? Absolutely peeling off. The team mascot? Possibly culturally insensitive. Your Newberg YMCA Intramural Basketball T-shirt is delicately placed in the background of your Zoom view for all to behold. Any lucky student in the meeting will be able to look closely and see that not only do you play basketball, but you’re serious about this shit. I mean, it’s the Newberg YMCA Intramural Basketball Team. And they make their own t-shirts, so they’re legit.

4. Fourth-place trophy from the 2018 Newberg County Inter-league Intramural Basketball Tournament 

Okay, it’s not a first place trophy, because you’re humble and down to earth. But still, it’s a REAL trophy, none of that participation bullshit. The Newberg YMCA Intramural Basketball Team doesn’t let that kind of shit fly.  

5. Your buddy Jared who plays with you on the YMCA Intramural Basketball team

C’mon, everybody loves Jared. He’s an all-around chill dude on and off the court. If having Jared in the background cracking his classic jokes isn’t enough, while you’re speaking during your Zoom call, make sure Jared taps you on the shoulder and says, “Yo, ready to head down to the courts after this?” And then you can say back, “Yeah. We need to get ready for the big game against the Franklin YMCA.” And everyone will be like, holy shit. This guy’s cool. 

6. A baseball

Just kidding. Who the fuck would put a baseball in the background? What, you want people to think you play baseball? Is that even a real sport? To each their own, I guess. Weirdo. Anyway, I have to get to practice. Jared just texted asking where I am.

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