Report: Little Brother Breaking Out Nice Pants for Graduation Weekend

Report: Little Brother Breaking Out Nice Pants for Graduation Weekend

Evanston, IL—Sources are reporting that Weinberg Senior Sandy McLaren’s 12 year old brother Justin will be wearing his nice pants to his sister’s graduation festivities this weekend, whether he likes it or not.

McLaren will reportedly first sport his finest khakis, which his mother hastily bought from the Marshall’s clearance rack just hours ago, at his sister’s commencement on Friday. The reports also indicate that McLaren will wear the same pair of pants for Saturday’s Weinberg convocation, as long as he doesn’t spill anything on them at dinner Friday night.

The report comes despite staunch opposition from Justin himself, who has repeatedly expressed his desire to wear his extra cool basketball shorts that almost reach his knees. However, sources say that the threat of having computer privileges taken away for the week will likely induce Justin to wear the ensemble of his mother’s choosing.

At press time, Justin was refusing to wear his short sleeved button down shirt, despite the fact that he looked “so handsome” in it.

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